We did not want to be like twins, we wanted to be twins. We wanted to be absolutely identical. But because we had been born twins, we had to make ourselves the same. And part of that was having to go through all of our most important experiences together. A classic coming-of-age story about growing up.

So here we are, but that’s not enough and we have a plan. To defeat the current best identical twins, we will eat, sleep, breathe and even think in perfect harmony. Only then we will have a chance to win.

Fotografía: Ana Martínez
Modelos: Sergio Jiménez y Raúl Jiménez
Maquillaje: Serpiente Muah
Estilismo: Cris Yanguas

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We Wanted to be Twins es el nuevo editorial exclusivo de Shit Magazine realizado por Ana Martínez.
La melancolía se palpa en cada imagen del editorial, donde, los gemelos Sergio y Raúl Jimenez representan un deseo de perfección que resulta prácticamente inalcanzable.
El deseo por ser hermanos idénticos se ve en cada detalle de estilismo y maquillaje, donde, siempre hay elementos iguales que contrastan con pequeños matices diferentes, frustrando todo esfuerzo por la homogeneidad.

twins-editorial-shit-magazine-ana-martinez-004 twins-editorial-shit-magazine-ana-martinez-003 twins-editorial-shit-magazine-ana-martinez-002 twins-editorial-shit-magazine-ana-martinez-001Todo el estilismo es Vintage.

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